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About Oscar Yale JR

Yale Lewis is an experienced litigator mediator and arbitrator who has also drafted legislation and testified before legislative bodies at all levels of government; incorporated numerous private and public entities; and drafted and negotiated hundreds of contracts. Mr. Lewis practices in a variety of areas including intellectual property and entertainment law. He has represented Jimi Hendrix?s father Buddy Holly?s widow Kurt Cobain?s widow and daughter Gene Vincent?s daughter George Clinton of Funkadelic and Parliament Anita Baker LeAnn Rimes? producer Johnny Mulhair syndicated radio personality ?Delilah? glass artist Chihuly the Jonas Salk Trust DC3 Entertainment and online games publisher WildTangent Inc. He is a past chair of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Section of the Washington State Bar Association and represented the Association in legislative hearings that led to the passage of ?publicity rights? legislation in 1998. He serves as a discovery master mediates intellectual property disputes and speaks at seminars on intellectual property and sports law. His clients include copyright trademark and patent owners software developers and owners Internet companies songwriters performers producers media personalities illustrators photographers advertisers journalists publishers visual artists art owners architects landscape architects engineers agents coaches and athletes and celebrities and private persons with defamation privacy and publicity concerns.

Practice Areas




Litigation Business Criminal defense


Associations Positions
Hendricks & Lewis


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Personal Information

Name Oscar Yale JR
Phone Number
Complete address 901 Fifth Avenue Suite 4100Seattle WA 98164, Seattle, WA,


Hourly $/hour

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Cash

What is Contingency?

A contingency fee is the percent of the final award a lawyer will receive as compensation. For some of these cases, lawyers will only be paid if there is a successful outcome.

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