Real estate Questions & Answers
Asked in Daytona Beach, Florida
Oct 2024
What is the function of a Quitclaim deed in Florida, and how can I use this to include my niece as a joint tenant on my home?
My niece has asked me to put her name on the deed of my house in Florida which is free of any mortgage I would like to make her a joint owner. I have searched different forms for a Quitclaim deed, but the language seems quite complex. In a previous case, my mother conveyed her property to me and herself by a Quitclaim deed and it had the tenancy of joint tenants with rights of survivorship. With the forms that I currently have, it gives the impression that I am completely removing myself and transferring all rights to my niece as a joint owner. The form says that ‘I release all right, title, interest and claim’, but then its says that I ‘have and hold’ it. Could you please explain if I have to state that my niece is joint tenant through a Quitclaim deed or use other terms? I don't wanna go through the trouble of having a lawyer for something so simple!!
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